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Archive for February, 2012

In Vivo Testing

We are studying the novel Half Brother it includes different oppinions and different questions, like all great books have. These questions are really deep and according to a persons oppinion the question may or may not be very important. They include:

•  Is Animal testing important or not? What are you 1-10?

•  Is keeping a animal as a pet a type of slavery? Why?

•  What is a person? Is a animal a person? why or why not?

•  Is animal testing bad or good? why or why not?

In Vivo testing is experimention on a whole living organisms. This ranges from fish to non-human primates, they are used to test products that are for human use. For these tests animals are kepted in captivity and are used for experements. These experiment vary from genetics all the way to cosmetic testing, they are used to keep humans the safest they can possibly be but not with out harming and or killing the animals. Once the tests are finished the animals are euthanized or die during the experiments.
I think this is a very large issue and needs to be talked about. It has very good effects for people, but how dose it effect the animals? Is it fair to do this to the animals? Why can we do this to animals if it hurts them? Why?
Animals have rights not to be used for animal experimention because some times the costs out weighs the benifits. If animals are still living during a experiment it should be considerd torture, unless it is to help the animal. There was a debate in 1655 about if animals physiology could be affected by the pain during the experiment, rendering the results unrelible. The first animal crultey law was inforced in the brittish parliment in 1822. This law was to enforce people who were crule to animals, but not the people who tested on animals which depending on the places they were being tested was maybe even cruler.

This is a quote from Charles Darwin “You ask about my opinion on vivisection. I quite agree that it is justifiable for real investigations on physiology; but not for mere damnable and detestable curiosity. It is a subject which makes me sick with horror, so I will not say another worddabout it, else I shall not sleep to-night.” This quote justified  the crultey of animal testing. I you were them how would you feel to be stabed with sharp objects, cut open, force feed, or given deseies? Then you are killed. Then you wouldn’t be able to do anything!


Half year, Half way, Hindrance.

“It goes slow but gain’s speed.” It reminds me of a train, it slowly floats by, then it adds speed untill it is at full capasity. Like my half year has been. This school year has been very slow until three weeks before exams.

8 things about exams that have changed this school year to last school year for me.

1)Were you satisfided with your marks for this mid term (1 to 5)?: This year 5/5,  last year 4/5.

2)How long did you study for exams?: Two weeks.

3)How did you study for your exams?: Read notes, studied text books, made tests, question, made lists, reviewed important facts also reviewed work.

4)How could you have improved in studying?: I could study longer than two weeks.

5)How could you improve in your exams?:I could go back over my tests and check over harder questions.

6)What was your goal for the other half of the year?: Full exemtions.

7)How close are you to your goal?: I think I am on my way to completing my goal.

8)How has your six word story involved your half year?: My six word story involves my half year because in the beginning of my year it seemed to take forever, but now it seems like it is going really fast.